Alice Walker: By the Light of My Father's Smile
Amy Tan: The Bonesetter's Daughter
Annie Proulx: Close Range Wyoming Stories
Behçet Çelik: Dünyanın Uğultusu
Bookless in Baghdad: Reflections on Writing and Writers
David Rieff: Swimming in a Sea of Death: A Son's Memoir
Donald E. Westlake (Richard Stark): Flashfire
Hasan Ali Toptaş: Kayıp Hayaller Kitabı
Irvin D. Yalom: Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death
Irvin D. Yalom: Momma and the Meaning of Life
Irvin Yalom: The Schopenauer Cure
İnci Aral: Unutmak
Ingrid Noll: Ladylike
James Salter: Burning the Days
John Updike: Of the Farm
Murathan Mungan: Kadından Kentler
Orhan Pamuk: Masumiyet Müzesi
Shashi Tharoor: Riot
Stephen King: On Writing
Susan Sontag: In America
The Crown Crime Companion. The Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Time Selected by the Mystery Writers of America, annotated by Otto Penzler, compiled by Mickey Friedman (New York, 1995)
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